28 March 2004

Pray for Gospel Peace Crusade in Bujumbura – Burundi from April 1- 4/04

Posted by Deogratias under: General .

Dear Praying Friend,

Greetings again in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I personaly take this time to thank you for your wonderful support of prayers, Bishop Obadiah is still preaching Gospel here in Bujumbura now in Evangelical Friends Church of Burundi. Today is the 4th day message of salvation being preached in Bujumbura. God has healed many people from different sickness; deaf and others were healed.

Please pray for the next week Peace Gospel Crusade in Kamenge, again this crusade will be run for 4 days. This is an open air crusade where we plan to have many and many people gathered to hear the message of salvation. As we prapere this crusage, we are in great need of $ 3.000 USD to meet the needs related to this crusade especially to rent public sound system, transportation of people from different suburbs of Bujumbura City to come to the place where the crussade will take place, publicity, adminstration and so on.

Please pray for this great need that we have in CCD BURUNDI, we need this money now because the crusade is about to be started and many people have been invited. Please pray for us and stand with us in prayer and finacial support. Please send your donation to us by using WESTERN UNION. You can use our address below. May the Lord bless you as you pray for this harvest work and support.

Yours in the service of the Lord,

Deogratias NIYONZIMA

President & Legal Representative

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