23 July 2003
God answers prayer
Posted by Deogratias under: General .
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
It is a blessing to serve God and let Him direct us in
whatever we do for Him. It is also a blessing to us
when we see an answer from God to a prayer request.
The Bible says in Matthew 7:7-8 Ask and it will be
given to you; seek and you will be find; knock and the
door will be opened to you, v8. For everyone who asks
receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks,
the door will be opened
Truly God answers prayer and God�s answer is a
blessing to the believer. Praise the Lord for the
answering my prayers; I have been praying for a house
for more that 4 years and God answered me; I have a
house in the Capital of Bujumbura. I have an office
for Christian Community Development – Burundi in this
house and also I stay in it. It helps me so much for
first for the ministry needs and to have where to
stay. I thank you bother/ sister in the Lord for
taking time to pray for me so that I may have this
house. God�s answer is really blessing to us.
Please pray that peace may be restored in Burundi,
here in Bujumbura during the beginning of July 2003,
there was a heavy fighting between rebels and National
Army, the bombing had hit our second front gate,
praise the Lord, God protected us and we are all fine.
Because of war, it is difficult to do development
projects, so we continue with children evangelism at
refugee camp; please pray for the kids, they need love
and help for their physical needs from beloved
brothers and sisters in the Lord.
- Praise the Lord for the new house that helps us to
have an office and where to stay in it. - Praise the Lord for the funds that God provided to
pay for 3 months rent for the new house. - Praise the Lord for the children who received Jesus
Christ in their hearts as their personal during
children evangelism at refugee camp. I thank God for
mercy journey that He always grant us for going and
coming from children evangelism. - Praise the Lord for a new camera that I have now.
- Praise the Lord for the cell phone that God has
provided for me, the number is (257)979036.
Prayer Requests.
- Please pray that God will provide funds to pay for
the monthly house rent, funds to meet administration
expenses and living expenses. - Please pray for funds needed to repair my laptop,
a printer is also needed; please pray that God opens
a door for us to get one. - Please pray for our 2 used vehicles that God may
help us to get them soon. They are so much needed to
help us with transportation in our ministry.
Thank you for taking time to pray for these prayer
requests. May the Lord bless you as you serve Him. God
answers prayers and God�s answer is the blessing.
4 Comments so far...
Debby Says:
25 July 2003 at 11:45 am.
Hi, Deogratias!
I am glad that God has provided you with a house! I have been praying that God would meet all of your needs!
I continue to pray for you dailly – it’s on my typed-out prayer list.
Today, I also prayed for peace in Burundi, as you requested.
Peter Says:
12 August 2003 at 10:29 pm.
Hi Deogratias
Mom and I both rejoice in the new addition to our family. God does indeed hear and answer prayer.
What a great God we serve. God bless you all as a family and especially little David, may he grow to have a heart like his name-sake full of love for God
Mom & Dad
charles tumwine Says:
29 August 2003 at 12:59 am.
the bible says ,blessed is he who takes care of the poor and the needy. the true full gospel is helping the destitutes, orphans, and strangers. please keep up the venture! our prayers are with you. charles tumwine.
crystal vines Says:
10 October 2003 at 7:39 pm.
Please pray that I will find a full time job very soon and that I will be delivered from timidness, fear of speaking in front of people and panic attacks under stress.