Vision and Mission


Christian Community Development of Burundi (CCD BURUNDI ) is a Christian organization, created in 2001 and registered by the Government of Burundi on February 6, 2004 and has its registration number 530/73/2004.

A. Vision and Mission

CCD BURUNDI has its vision and mission in order to accomplish its task.

1. Vision

To develop and assist vulnerable children in the world who are confronted by poverty, war, discrimination, sickness, people who are victims of disasters etc. This assistance helps them to be developed spiritually, physically, economically, socially and emotionally.

2. Mission

CCD BURUNDI reaches all people with Gospel so to know Jesus Christ and receive Him as their personal Saviour in order to have spiritual transformation.
CCD BURUNDI organises poor people in associative groups in order to facilitate their development and assist them to overcome poverty and become self-reliance.
CCD BURUNDI Defends and rescues the weak and needy people especially vulnerable children.
CCD BURUNDI works with organizations and churches in order to provide support to children in a great need of help and place them in foster care families.
CCD BURUNDI provides relief to refugees children and victims of disasters.
Building schools and mobilizing children to be educated.
Assisting vulnerable people to have good health, good environment and living peacefully with others.
CCD BURUNDI implements Community Development Projects in rural areas in order to assist poor people.