15 September 2003
Visit to Kigoma Tanzania
Posted by Deogratias under: Burundi .
Greetings in Jesus’ Name!
Thank you very much for praying for me when I was in Kigoma Tanzania. I had a good trip. As I told you in my last note, I am pleased to send you this message so to give you more details concerning my trip that I did in the beginning of this month to Kigoma Tanzania.
I thank God for the mercy journey that God granted me from Burundi to Tanzania. I travelled by ship in the Lake Tanganyika from Bujumbura Port to Kigoma Port. It was a journey of 9 hours with a speed of 11 miles for 1 hour. This was my first time to travel with the ship and I thank our Lord for His protection to and from Tanzania.
Praise the Lord for helping me to make this trip posible because I was able to visit Rev. Obadiah Ndiho and his family. This family took refugee in Tanzania because of war which is in Burundi since 1993. Rev.Obadiah continues to serve God in the ministry which he leads there. This ministry is called WORLD GOSPEL MINISTRY. This is a faith ministry and ministering in Crusades, Rivival Meetings, Teachings seminars for Church ministers, Youth, Men, Ladies Fellowship and conferences. The key words for this ministry is from Mark 16: 15-20 “Go ye into all the World and Preach the Gospel”.
Christian Community Development is working together with World Gospel Ministry to spread the Gospel in Tanzania, Kenya, Burundi and elsewhere. Beside the message of salvation, we also need support to assist the needy people materially, such as food, clothing and so on. Rev.Obadiah tried to help me to find ways to visit children in Burundi Refugee camp but it was inpossible to do it because I didn’t have funds and enough time to do it. There are 6 Burundi refugee camps in Tanzania and each camp is localed at a very long distance. Next time I will need to hire a 4WD do a long distance journey with bad roads. We are praying that God may help me to get funds and be able do this visit soon. Please join us in your prayers.
Before I close this message, as the Bible says that we need to help each other, I would like to request you to pray for Rev. Obadiah’s family. This family isin a great need of $ 170 USD per month to meet their living expenses and house rent. I have attached some pictures to this message to show Obadiah’s family and where they live at the moment in a broken house. They cook food out side as you will see from the pictures. Please pray for this family and ask the Lord how you can help them as the Lord leads you. His children don’t go to school because of lack of funds, he also need help to meet administration expenses for World Gospel Ministry.
We in Christian Community Development have started to assist this family by visiting him, praying together for the needs and we are informing you to tell others to pray for this family. Let’s our love shine through good deeds, especially by helping the our brothers and sisters in the Lord who are in need. You are welcome to assist this family by sending any help that you have. Christian Community Develpoment will take your support to this family.
May the Lord bless you as you continue to serve Him.
Yours in Christ,
Deogratias NIYONZIMA
P.S: Please email us your comments at gdeniy@yahoo.com
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