22 August 2005

The Situation of PLWHA in Burundi

Posted by Deogratias under: Uncategorized .


The Situation of PLWHIVA in Burundi

Issue: In Burundi, we have PLWHA, the big number is located in urban zones.

Project: After my reseach, I found that the spreading of HIV/AIDS put Burundi among countries that have highly touched by this pandemic in the world. Burundi has 250,000 PLWHA, among them 220,000 are adults from 15-49 years old, and 130,000 are women. According to UNAIDS, 25,000 people died due to HIV/AIDS and 200,000 are orphans. Most of youth who have HIV/AIDS are between 15-24 years.

Result: In 2004, ARV helped a lot PLWHA in Burundi, those who were on ARV treatment were 1200 at the end of 2003 but in 2004 we had 4,000 people on ARV treatment, this is 3 times of 2003.

Lesson learned: The use of ARV to PLWHA is very good but few people have access to this treatment. We would recomment that donors may provide enough funds to CCD Burundi(NGO) so that many PLWHA have access to ARV and HAART.


Deogratias NIYONZIMA
President & Legal Representative
Christian Community Development of Burundi
P.0.Box 6972 Bujumbura
Burundi, AFRICA
Tel: 00257-979036
E-mail: gdeniy@yahoo.com
Website: www.ccdburundi.org.uk

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